Sapiel's history, that for more than 30 years moves with passion and love to creation of dance dresses.
The begin
At the age of ten years Maria Pia Mortini began her passion for design and dress-making. She would sit under the porch on her front door steps and with using scraps of paper and crayons she would have designed clothes for her rag dolls, then she would cut the patterns out of old pieces of material and have sewed beautiful dresses for her much loved dolls.
At the age of thirteen, her eldest brother decided to get married, Maria Pia insisted on making the dresses for her mother and sisters for this special occasion, and here he received her first welcoming compliments from the guests.
The first dress-making
After just two years Maria Pia Mortini opened her first dressmaker's shop in her little town called Aprilia,she worked together with two girl-friends, making dresses for neighbours and the women of the town, her little works of art were already greatly appreciated.
At nineteen she got married and made her own beautiful wedding gown, together with her bridesmaids' dresses and those of other relatives.
Family and work
At twenty, one of her greatest joys arrived,baby Sandro Massarenti, Maria Pia Mortini decided to fully dedicate herself to her new baby, but unable to stay away from the needles and thread.
At twenty-two she opened a new shop, and one year later her second bundle of joy arrives Elisabetta.
Whilst running her new shop and caring for her children, Maria Pia Mortini even found time to work for some famous fashion designers of that period,hence she was able to learn more about the various types of materials,latest fashions and the finishing touches for the "Haute Couture".
In the 1970's Maria Pia's children began to dance, so she followed them all over the world during their competitions, and naturally, she began to design and sew their dancing clothes.
Born Sapiel
In 1980, when Maria Pia Mortini was thirty-eight, she fulfilled a long-cherished ambition, when she opened her fashion house "SAPIEL", this name derives from her family Sandro, Pia and Elisabetta, thus becoming their trademark.
This company was born as "the SAPIEL bride",it made the clothes for the brides, grooms, bridesmaids and evening gowns, today this company stili exists in the heart of Aprilia, ltaly.
In 1992 she decided to introduce herself to the important dance festival of Blackpool, it was a launch towards a great success.
Here she met people from the "Dance World",and since then,with great pride,she has dressed the greatest dancing champions in the world, both in Standard and Latin American dancing.
Maria Pia Mortini is very honoured to have presented her own fashion parade. After many, many years of experience and joy, Maria Pia Mortini still wakes-up every morning with her head full of new ideas, so each day she expresses herself, with the colours of nature:
- the sea
- sea-gulls in fIight
- green meadowscovered in flowers
- sun-sets
- sunrises
- butterflies
- rainbow
Maria Pia Mortini is a complete artist to whom God gave the gift of talent and interior expressions. Maria Pia has always been a happy woman,happily married, content to have near her at all times her children, her grand-chitdren and ali her in-laws. They are all a part of SAPIEL. Perhaps, Maria Pia's greatest desire of all is that SAPIEL will exist forever, she Is teaching the fashion world skills to all the members of her family, the secrets of all the "ms and outs"of running this company, so her family will be able to remain successful in the future years Maria Pia feels confident that God will always stand-by her and fulfill her desire, she has great faith in him and has always taught her children and their families to respect other people. Sandro, Maria Pia's son, became the president of SAPIEL in 1999. Since 1980 SAPIEL has produced dance dresses, and in the past years it has extended its products, creating articles that are relevant to dancing, such as:
- mens shirts and waist-coats
- dance shoes for women
- practisewear
- dance CD's
- costume jewelry and training suits
All the products of SAPIEL are of first quality material,behind which have been many,many years of study. Our past slogan was"OBSERVE". Today our new slogan " Future Design".
The wife of Sandro, Cinzia Giallo, has become the vice-president of SAPIEL and the new fashion designer of the future designs. Maria Pia Mortini and Cinzia Giallo will present their new fashion line at Blackpool every year.
Sapiel is extremely honoured to have customers that have chosen our dresses as their "own imagine" for their own dances. Best wishes to all the dance competitors including all our customers, have a joyful future and joyful dancing with our SAPIEL products.