Future Design



Each dance dress is conceived and designed in such a way that the sketch show will be the fusion of creativity at the desire of the customers.


Our dance dresses are made in unique items to ensure
the exclusivity of style to the dancer who wears them.


Materials and workmanships are of the highest quality, dance dresses are handmade and packaged according to the rules of the great Italian tailoring.


News Blog

What We Do

We create ballroom dance dresses and latin americans, originals, handmade, unique items.
Assortment of dance shoes and dance accessories.

  • il CD
    il CD
  • il CD
    il CD Back
  • il CD 2
    il CD 2
  • il CD 2 Back
    il CD 2 Back
  • il CD 3
    il CD 3
  • il CD 3 Back
    il CD 3 Back
  • Sogna... Napoli
    Sogna... Napoli
  • Sogna... Napoli Back
    Sogna... Napoli Back

Who We Are

Our team consists of professionals with years of experience in the industry,
people with passion and love create small dreams to wear.

  • Team Player Sandro Massarenti

    Sandro Massarenti


  • Team Player Maria Pia Mortini

    Maria Pia Mortini


  • Team Player Cinzia Giallo

    Cinzia Giallo

    Designer, and Production Manager

  • Team Player Giada Massarenti

    Giada Massarenti

    Jounior Designer

  • Team Player Monique Janssens

    Monique Janssens

    Officer Manager

Say about us

For our 25th anniversary,
we asked a thought to some of our best customers.

  • Alessia e Mirko 25 anni, un eternità, e sempre tra i migliori nel settore. Avere sempre nuove idee non è facile, ma voi ci siete riusciti...

    Alessia e Mirko

  • Yumi Katsura We would like to admire with whole-heartedly by congratulations that the Sapiel Company could reach a foundation 25 anniversaries.

    Yumi Katsura

  • Caterina Arzenton Un sogno... Italiano!!! Colgo questa occasione per poter esprimere tutto ciò che in questi anni ho sempre pensato.

    Caterina Arzenton
    (Campionessa del mondo danze standard)

  • Mrs. Sumie Sugimoto and Mrs. Michiko Tabata It is a great pleasure for us hearing that Sapiel is celebrating the 25th anniversary. Many congratulations.

    Mrs. Sumie Sugimoto
    Mrs. Michiko Tabata

  • Robin and Rita Short It gives Rita and myself great pleasure to write to you and congratulate you on the 25th Anniversry of Sapiel.

    Robin and Rita Short

  • Akira Ito Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of your establishment! Sapiel’s dresses are enthusiastically admired by so many fans in Japan.

    Akira Ito

  • Chieko Nomura Dear Mrs. Mortini, First of all, I am very pleased to hear about the 25 th anniversary of your company

    Chieko Nomura
    (President of International Goods Incorporated)

  • Alessia Manfredini Nella danza,come nella moda l’amore per il dettaglio, l’unicità, la particolarità e l’attenzione per ciò che si esegue

    Alessia Manfredini

  • Loraine It was a great pleasure to work with Maria Pia and all the Sapiel staff. I truly believe that she has great understanding of style and cut.


  • Carmen Vincelj Dearest Maria- Pia – ‘Sapiel SRL’ I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on such a remarkable 25th anniversary of Sapiel!

    Carmen Vincelj

  • Fabio e Simona Per tanti anni siamo stati ai vertici mondiali, per tanti anni abbiamo cercato di dare il nostro meglio...

    Fabio e Simona

  • Kumiko Asami When I first wore a dress of Sapiel, It was not just a surprise. It was a magic... Because it made me feel different movement.

    Kumiko Asami

  • Yoko Best wishes to Sapiel, for your 25th anniversary. I am sure that Sapiel is the most creative dressmaker


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